Membership in Buddha Kung Fu
Buddha Zhen 818-723-2769
Buddha Kung Fu classes and Tai Chi classes...
Family discounts
New students start with a WHITE SASH and a Buddha Kung Fu Student Manual. (Get your book right away, it has your Belt Test Approval sheet inside. Print your book and put it in a 3-ring binder.)
No Karate gi uniforms allowed in any classes. Always wear tennis shoes in class.
Annual Buddha Kung Fu Membership fee = $10
Show up early for class and practice in your Kung Fu uniforms to make our school look good. Our school is as good as the students in it--so be great so our Buddha Kung Fu schools will be great schools.
Always as address your Shifu as, "Shifu." Our founder, Zhen Shen-Lang "Spirit Wolf of Truth," can be referred to as, "Buddha Zhen," also. As a joke and amusing marketing opportunity, "Buddha Z" will be Buddha Zhen's rapper name as he releases his first album of rap songs. "Buddha Z" will not be the name to use in our classes.
MEMBERSHIP in Buddha Kung Fu requires only a $10 annual fee. No initiation required. You can be of any faith or Atheist as a member of Buddha Kung Fu. BKF spiritual teachings include Chan Buddhism, Zen Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, and Taoism. Enhance your life. Enhance your mind. Enhance your spirituality as a member of Buddha Kung Fu. Be a Buddha of any religion!
Private Lessons or Group Classes with Shaolin Master
Buddha Kung Fu classes:
North Hollywood Park
Across street from Masonic Temple
Tujunga Ave., south of Magnolia Blvd.
Group classes: 7pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Saturday staff and sword classes will soon be offered.
$50 per month for group classes
$50 per private lesson hour
Call now for a private lesson or prepay discount:
Buddha Zhen 818-723-2769

Annual Membership Fee
1 Year
Buddha Kung Fu
Annual Membership Fee

Belt Test Fee |
Buddha Kung Fu Belt Test Fee
Same price for all Levels