Support Buddha Kung Fu

Erin helped created Buddha Kung Fu in 2007.
Buddha Kung Fu is a sole proprietorship of Richard Del Connor / Buddha Zhen. Our BKF students support the organization with their monthly tuitions, belt test fees, and annual membership fees. According to our banker, we need 75 students to pay rent and utilities for a small strip mall space only 25 feet wide.
Your support of Buddha Kung Fu is essential until we reach a student level of 75 students. Enjoy your purchases of books, music, and classes... You are feeding our school.
Tax-deductible donations can be made to Tai Chi Youth, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity organization. Supporting the Tai Chi Youth demo team will help Buddha Kung Fu since we share everything.
Donations of any amount to Buddha Kung Fu are accepted at PAYPAL:
PayPal Business name: Shaolin Communications