Attorney Recommendations for TCY
BKF_eNEWS March 2011
Official newsletter of Buddha Kung Fu
I've created a TCY Trustee INTERVIEW KIT.
Anyone that is applying or interested in serving on the TCY Board of Trustees can obtain one from me.
I designed this INTERVIEW KIT to expedite the process of finding trustees and enabling possible trustees to understand who and what Tai Chi Youth is as easily as possible. The kit contains:
TCY Trustee Interview Form
TCY Trustee Commitment Form
TCY 6-Year Calendar
TCY Calendar
TCY Annual Events
TCY Mission Statement
TCY Goals
TCY Brief History
TCY Organizational Chart
TCY Case Statement 2011
TCY 6-Year Plan Outline
TCY Bylaws
TCY Time Sheet
TCY Volunteer Agreement
TCY Work For Hire Agreement
TCY Volunteer Time Sheet
All the above are in PDF format for easy printing and reading on computers.
Who do I interview next?
Send me some referrals.
Buddha Kung Fu PRESS PAGE: ("Tai Chi Push Hands Tournament" flyer)
1. -- Buddha Kung Fu EVENTS --
BKF Events = Fundraising Events
To simplify our schedules and make use of our currently scheduled annual events, I've made each of our tournaments the rewards presentations and special dinners for our volunteers. This will make all our tournaments and graduations more special and better attended with all volunteers and fundraisers showing upr for the awards and special prizes.
Check out the new TCY Calendar, and TCY Annual Events list for more information. Ask me, Richard Connor, TCY President for a copy.
This is an important position of Tai Chi Youth.
During the first couple years we will also have a TCY Fundraising Agent.
Eventually, this person will handle the bulk of our fundraising efforts or coordination. Mostly, The TCY Program Director will manage all our programs at schools and health centers.
3. -- Online Kung Fu and Tai Chi --
I thought we were going to make some progress here by allowing some of our students to shoot these videos--but enthusiasm does not equal what dollars can accomplish. We need to produce these videos professionally and pay professionals to make them.
I guess, since I'm working full-time (for free) for Tai Chi Youth, I expect others to have a couple hours per week for our videos and school business...
JOIN Tai Chi Youth:
4. -- Buddha Kung Fu DEMO TEAM --
It's next month.
Talk to me. Don't wait for me to post the information.
Keep in touch with me by phone. I currently, don't have internet, so call me each week.
BKF Demo Team:
5. -- BOOKS of Buddha Kung Fu --
Let's start our bookwork class now.
We can use if for the Tai Chi Beginner book and Buddha Kung Fu Student Manual.
A couple students have to read and pass off on the Shaolin Kung Fu Beginner book, Section 1.
I'm waiting for suggested times so we can pick one.
Buddha Kung Fu BOOKS:
6. -- MUSIC of Buddha Kung Fu --
This song would really get their attention.
Since I don't have a computer, I can't make an instrumental version.
What do you think?
LEVEL 4 = Kung Fu Cowboy PART 1: King Solomon's Temple by American Zen:
7. -- STUFF of Buddha Kung Fu --
With all our bookwork requirements and some more to be added from the HUMAN VALUES FOR SUCCESS IN FAMILY AND BUSINESS, I divided the BUDDHA KUNG FU STUDENT MANUAL into 3 sections to allow 3 semesters to read it, instead of just two semesters.
I'm sure that makes you happy.
Buddha Kung Fu STUFF:
8. -- Buddhism NEWS --
Kung Fu
Another cool place to check out our 4th LEVEL of Shaolin Zen Buddhism.
Visit the website.
Kung Fu Cowboy .com
9. -- KUNG FU News --
This is a part-time position.
This will enable us to hire someone that someone else is using also, or who has his own consulting business.
Please send me any suggestions for this position.
I've got my TCY Interview Kit ready.
10. -- TAI CHI News --
Please submit to me your suggestions for people who would be qualified for this TCY ADVISORY BOARD. I will contact them.
Please also supply me your name, so I can mention who recommended them, and give me any notes or details about their activities and interests, skills, experience, so I can offer them positions suited to the their interests without having to ask them so many questions.
Thanks students. Without your help, I won't be able to get as much accomplished.
Contact Richard Connor at 818-723-2769 for more information.
Tai Chi Youth PATRIARCH:
11. -- Podcasts, Radio Shows, and Television Interviews of BUDDHA ZHEN --
Who can recommend a company or person to set up our computer network?
We will need our own custom designed system for what we have in mind.
Anyone know any computer experts / networking / programmers / video techs...
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